Sunday, February 16 — 3:00 to 4:00 pm
Come spend an hour in quiet prayer with our Eucharistic LordMonday, February 17
I invite you to allow God’s generous love to be made visible through you by prayerfully considering a sacrificial pledge to the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal this year. Your gift will be used to enrich the lives of others so that the hope of Christ may abound more fruitfully throughout the diocese.
Tuesday, March 4 — 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the activity center
Join us for Mass (with distribution of ashes)
Friday, March 7 — 5:00 to 7: 00pm — dine in or take out
Ushers — needed for all Masses
The Mass intention book for 2025 is open. In addition, unscheduled Masses (either with Fr. Miserendino, Fr. Vaccaro or the missions) remain available. If you'd like to have a Mass offered for your intention, please fill out a Mass Request Form and deliver it to the parish office. You will be notified via email once your request is processed. Thank you for your patience!